Casa Viva

P: +52 (758) 688 0144


Maribel & Andres

Welcome to Maribel’s & Andrés Kitchen!
They will be delighted to be your hosts at Casa Viva, inviting you to step into their kitchen and savor their delicious creations. Please note that it’s not a restaurant; you’re being hosted in their kitchen. However, we assure you that you will be pleased with their traditional cooking.


Desayuno Ligero
Café o te
Una opción de avena, hot cakes o huevos sin carne.
$125 pesos (niños $85)

Desayuno completo
Café, leche, jugo de naranja fresco, fruta con yogurt, huevos al gusto, jamón o tocino.
$180 pesos (niños $130 )


Platillos ligeros y antojitos mexicanos (mole de pollo, fajitas de pollo o carne, chiles rellenos, enchiladas, ceviche, pescadillas, tacos, etc.)
$230 pesos (niños $180)

Mariscos (pescado o camarón)
$280 pesos (niños $230)

Guacamole $100
Pico de gallo $70
3 salsas $50

Cerveza (Corona, Corona Light and Victoria) $90 MX
Coco Frío $50 MX

No se ofrece cena – tenemos una lista de restaurantes que recomendamos

*Los precios pueden variar sin previo aviso, debiendo consultar disponibilidad y precios directamente con Maribel y Andrés con antelación.

Niños =  2-12 años


*Prices may vary without notice, and you should check availability and prices directly with Maribel and Andrés in advance.

Children =  2-12 years

Light Breakfast
Coffee or tea
Choice of oatmeal, hot cakes or eggs.
$7 USD (children $5 USD)

Full breakfast
Coffee, milk, fresh orange juice, fruit and yogurt, eggs to taste, ham or bacon.
$10 USD (children $7 USD)

Light dishes and Mexican appetizers (chicken mole, chicken or beef fajitas, stuffed chilies, enchiladas, ceviche, whiting, tacos, etc.)
$12 USD (children $9 USD)

Seafood (fish or shrimp)
$15 USD (children $12 USD)

Guacamole $5 USD
Cockerel $4 USD
3 sauces $3 USD

Beer (Corona, Corona Light and Victoria) $5 USD
Cold Coconut $3 USD

Dinner is not offered – we have a list of restaurants we recommend
